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I.5.2. Chemical phenomena


Chemical phenomena are transformations that change the composition of substances, resulting in other substances.

📝 Examples of chemical phenomena:
  • Combustion of fuels (transformation of the substance in the presence of oxygen into carbon dioxide and water);

  • Rusting of iron (iron turns into rust, reddish);

  • Coking of copper (copper turns into coking, greenish, toxic);

  • Fermentation of must (wine is obtained);

  • Acidification of the wine (vinegar is obtained);

  • Milk fermentation (beaten milk is obtained);

  • Rotting of plants (it is caused by a fungus that destroys the plant);

  • Photosynthesis (plants in the presence of light transform carbon dioxide into oxygen);

  • Carbonization of sugar;

  • Slow oxidation in the body (breathing of beings, oxidation of fats, proteins and carbohydrates from food).