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I.6.1. Physical properties


The characteristic attributes with a help of which a substance is recognized are called properties.

Properties can be physical and chemical.


Physical properties are those attributes that refer to appearance or transformations that do not change the composition of the substance.


Physical properties can be classified into:

1. Observable with the help of the sense organs:

- By sight: state of aggregation (solid, liquid, gas), color (colorless-without colour or colored), gloss (shine).

- By smell: odorless (has no smell), pleasant, irritating, specific smell (milk, chlorine, vinegar - we say they have a specific smell).

- By touch: plasticity, elasticity, soft (hardness), hard (hardness).

2. Measurable with the help of devices:

- Physical constants:

  • Melting temperature (the temperature at which a solid substance begins to melt = Tt);
  • Boiling temperature (the temperature at which a liquid begins to boil = Tv);
  • Density
  • Refractive index
  • Solubility coefficient (shows how much substance dissolves in 100 g of water, at a certain temperature);
  • Hardness (it is measured according to a scale of hardness from 1 to 10, called "Mohs Scale", where talc has 1 and diamond the highest hardness 10);
  • Electrical and thermal conductivity (passage of electric current, respectively heat, without movement of substance).