1.1. Look for the warning symbols on the labels of the different products you have at home (Sprays, Cleaning products, Pipe unclogging products and group them according to these symbols).
1.2. Watch the following images and find out which rules were broken and which would endanger our lives:
1.2.A. .....................................................

1.2.B. .....................................................

1.2.C. .....................................................

1.2.D. .....................................................

1.2.E. .....................................................

1.2.F. .....................................................

1.2.G. .....................................................

1.3. Choose from the following statements what each one represents: body / substance / material, according to the following model:
1.3.A. The nail: the nail is a body because it has its own shape and its own volume.

1.3.B. Iron: iron is a substance because it has no shape of its own and can take many forms: a nail, a doorknob, a table, a chair, a cabinet, etc.

1.3.C. Water from a glass: .......................

1.3.D. Air in a balloon: .....................

1.3.E. River water: ................................

1.3.F. Wood: ....................................

1.3.G. Glasses: ...................................

1.3.H. Ice cubes: ............................

1.3.I. Table salt: ..........................

1.3.J. Salt from the salt pan: ...........................

1.4. Look carefully at the following 12 pictures and write what phenomenon it illustrates and what kind of phenomenon it is (physical / chemical):
1.4.A. ...............................................

1.4.B. ...............................................

1.4.C. ...............................................

1.4.D. ...............................................

1.4.E. ...............................................

1.4.F. ...............................................

1.4.G. ...............................................

1.4.H. ...............................................

1.4.I. ...............................................

1.4.J. ..............................................

1.4.K. ..............................................

1.4.L. ..............................................

1.5. Specify the type of property: physical or chemical.
1.5.A. Bruise stone (copper sulfate) is soluble in water.
1.5.B. Wood has the property of rotting.
1.5.C. The paper has the property of burning.
1.5.D. Iron has the property of being attracted to a magnet.
1.5.E. Carbon dioxide is a colorless gas.
1.5.F. Copper has the property of coking.
1.5.G. Sulfur is a thermal and electrical insulator.
1.5.H. Mercury is liquid.
1.5.I. Fog is formed by the condensation of water vapor in the air on the earth's surface.
1.5.J. The ice melts in the child's palms.